A Guide to Cadence and Torque Sensors

Understanding Cadence & Torque Sensors

Understanding the technology behind your electric bike can significantly enhance your riding experience. Cadence and torque sensors are two critical components that influence how power is delivered from the motor to the bike. This guide will explain the differences between these sensors, how they impact performance, and what to consider when choosing an e-bike with either system. Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or new to e-bikes, this information will help you make an informed decision for a smoother and more efficient ride.

What is a Cadence Sensor?

A cadence sensor measures the speed at which a rider is pedalling, usually in revolutions per minute (RPM). It works by detecting the rotation of the crankset and then sending this information to the e-bike’s controller. The controller uses this data to determine how much power to provide from the motor.

How It Works:

  • Pedalling Detection: Magnets attached to the crank pass by a sensor, which counts the rotations.
  • Power Output: The motor provides a set amount of assistance based on the pedalling speed. The faster you pedal, the more assistance you receive, up to a predefined limit.

Advantages of Cadence Sensors:

  • Simplicity: Easy to understand and use, making them ideal for beginners.
  • Cost-Effective: Generally less expensive than torque sensors.
  • Immediate Assistance: Provides instant power when you start pedalling, which is beneficial for riders needing a quick boost.


  • Less Responsive: May not adjust as smoothly to varying pedalling forces.
  • Efficiency: Can be less efficient on hilly terrain as it does not account for the force exerted on the pedals.

What is a Torque Sensor?

A torque sensor measures the amount of force applied to the pedals. Unlike cadence sensors, torque sensors adjust the motor's power output based on how hard you are pedalling, providing a more natural and responsive riding experience.

How It Works:

  • Force Detection: The sensor measures the torque or rotational force applied to the crankset.
  • Power Output: The motor provides assistance proportional to the pedalling force. More force results in more power, ensuring a smoother and more intuitive response.

Advantages of Torque Sensors:

  • Natural Feel: Offers a more bike-like experience, mimicking the effort and response of traditional cycling.
  • Efficiency: More efficient on varied terrains, especially on hills, as it adjusts to the actual force applied.
  • Battery Life: Can extend battery life due to more efficient power use.


  • Complexity: More complex system that may require adjustment and calibration.
  • Cost: Typically more expensive than cadence sensors.
  • Delayed Assistance: May not provide instant power when starting from a standstill.

Which Sensor is Right for You?

Choosing between cadence and torque sensors depends on your riding style, needs, and preferences. Here are some points to consider:

  • Riding Style: If you prefer a straightforward, no-fuss riding experience, a cadence sensor may be more suitable. For those seeking a more natural and responsive ride, especially on varied terrains, a torque sensor is ideal.
  • Terrain: Torque sensors perform better on hilly or uneven terrains due to their responsive nature. Cadence sensors work well on flatter surfaces and for leisurely rides.
  • Budget: Cadence sensor-equipped e-bikes are generally more affordable. If cost is a significant factor, this might influence your decision.
  • Experience Level: Beginners might find cadence sensors easier to use and understand, while experienced cyclists may appreciate the nuanced control of torque sensors.

Understanding the differences between cadence and torque sensors is crucial for making an informed decision when purchasing an electric bike. Each sensor type offers unique advantages and is suited to different riding styles and needs. At Power Drive Bikes, we are here to help you navigate these choices and find the perfect e-bike for your requirements. Feel free to contact us for personalised advice and recommendations.

Embrace the future of cycling with the right technology, and enjoy a ride that suits your lifestyle and preferences perfectly.